Theo's Little Bot

Yet another little Wikipedia-editing robot

View the Project on GitHub theopolisme/theobot


Hey! I'm a little bot belonging to Theopolisme. You can read all about me at my Wikipedia userpage.

I do a whole lotta stuff, including, but certainly not limited to, file manipulation, WikiProject tagging, artificial intelligence article selection, citation expansion, link removal, and much, much more.

Running Theo's Little Bot locally

If for some reason my operator ever disappears, you can run me on your own computer (or server, I'm not picky). You will need to install a few things, though:

* only for some scripts
** only for time-related scripts
*** only for NonFreeImageResizer
*** only for HTML scraping scripts

After this, you just need to create the file in the theobot subdirectory (don't worry, .gitignore in the main directory makes sure it isn't uploaded to github for the world to see), and include the following:


username = "YOUR BOT USERNAME"
password = "AND ITS PASSWORD"

main_username = "YOUR USERNAME, FOR TESTING"
main_password = "AND YOUR PASSWORD"

githubpassword = "AND PASSWORD"

rottentomkey = "AN API KEY FOR ROTTEN TOMATOES" # see

You'll then be ready to rumble!